Atheist Logic Fail


(poem) Lamentations of an Atheist

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They came for the Christian and Yazdi girls and I didn’t say anything because Richard Dawkins told me to mock and ridicule Christians. They came for Israel and the Jews, and I felt nothing because the Conspiracy Theorists claimed that the Jews secretly ran the world. They came for the Police and the Military and I didn’t care because everybody knows they are racist pigs anyway. Then they came for me, they took my mobile device out of my hand and turned off my social media held a gun to my head and they said, “Do you accept that their is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet?” and I said to myself, how did things get this far? Why didn’t anybody say anything? Aren’t there Authorities to prevent this kind of thing from happening?


Author: Joxua Luxor

Known by his online handle Shivah Solomon, he paints as Joxua Mourningstar, he teaches Martial Tai Chi as Master Ten Ton Tiger, writing on occult mysteries he is known as Rabbi Ba'al Shiva, he writes philosophical fiction as Shivastus Solomonicus, and he does comedy as Adam Wolfe.

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