Atheist Logic Fail


Devin Kelley was a Militant Atheist.

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I started trolling and debating Atheists long ago but it wasn’t until 2012 that I really started sinking my teeth into them.  My criticism of Richard Dawkins and his God Delusion book was that he had conflated Atheism with Hatred of God and created a Meritocracy of Mocking & Ridiculing the Religious.  Being exposed to Nazi propaganda (as he was) in British schools (and as C. S. Lewis described) he created the Neologism “Meme” by benchmarking the Pollock Joke used by the Nazis as a form of Psychological warfare

Atheists claim that they aren’t organized so they can’t be a religion, but they are organized enough to have lawyers and lobbyists that attack small towns with vexatious litigations in order to remove semi-religious, secular objects of veneration that are popular with the majority of residents.

Atheists claim that humans are innately moral and therefore don’t need Organized Religion (as did Devin Patrick Kelley), ignoring the fact that Neural Myelination and Epigenetics is created by repeated patterns that were passed on to children through cellular memory.  Which means that in order to become “innately moral” mankind had to exert some moralizing influence on itself, namely, Religion.  If all religions were equal all people would be equally morally evolved, which is obviously not the case.

If Atheism is a Morally Superior, Saving Grace, which absolves all people of their ignorance and makes them more intelligent and a connoisseur of Science then please explain to me how the God of Scientism didn’t restrain this Sociopathic Atheist from committing this crime. 

Richard Dawkins is directly responsible and has leaked his own guilt by saying, “I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, I feel it might be a bulwark against something worse (Islamic Terrorism).”    And that tweet was most likely prompted by myself.

Hating God doesn’t make people smarter, more scientific, or more moral.  It makes them obsessed.  

Einstein said, “Science without Religion is Lame.  Religion without Science is Blind.”  Why?  Because religion is the legs of science and science is the eyes of religion.  Conscience is a juxtaposition of the prefix “Con” with the word “science”.  “Con” means “with”.  Con-Science means “With Science” so what is “With Science”?  What is with science and has a moralizing influence on science?  What is the connotation (con-notation) of the word “Conscience”?




Author: Joxua Luxor

Known by his online handle Shivah Solomon, he paints as Joxua Mourningstar, he teaches Martial Tai Chi as Master Ten Ton Tiger, writing on occult mysteries he is known as Rabbi Ba'al Shiva, he writes philosophical fiction as Shivastus Solomonicus, and he does comedy as Adam Wolfe.

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